Drama / Legal / Relationships / Sports


shaq-and-vanessaThis relationship has cost Shaq more than you bargained for! Not only does the world know Ms. Vanessa Lopez was his mistress it was over 3 years ago and they are still going at it in court. Shaq gets a protective order and she claims she’s been keeping secrets of Shaq’s that would shock us all. Messy!

Reports Radar:
“Vanessa’s deposition is explosive,” a source close to the case tells us exclusively as to why Shaq’s legal team went for the protective order.

As Radar also exclusively reported, in January, Lopez filed a request to add punitive damages to her lawsuit, which accuses O’Neal of racketeering, invasion of privacy, and intentional inflection of emotional distress.

Lopez claims that the alleged harassment began when she told Shaq she thought she was pregnant and then broke off the relationship after he accused her of having sex with other men.

The marathon litigation has been going on since 2010.

“Vanessa is going to stand up for herself and her rights. She is not scared,” the source adds. “Vanessa wants the truth to come out. Her deposition reveals very intimate disturbing things Shaq like to do. The world would be shocked!”

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