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grif downIs it over so soon? Robert Griffin III has sustained injuries to his ACL & LCL knee ligament. Things aren’t looking to good for the Rookie of the year candidate! I don’t know much about football but I know that RG3 is hurt in more ways than one right now. To think he has injuries that could shorten his career is painful in it self. There are talks that Griffin might have to undergo exploratory surgery to determine how bad his injuries are and when they occurred. Others say Griffin hopes will avoid full-blown reconstructive surgery if the tears are partial, no matter what this is AP saying I know this isn’t a good thing.

Redskins Coach Mike Shanahan said Griffin is scheduled to be examined Tuesday in Pensacola, Fla., by orthopedic surgeon James Andrews to determine whether the test results show new or previous injuries. Many fans are pointing the finger at Shanahan for putting Griffin in the wildcard playoff game against the Seattle Seahawks at FedEx Field in Washington, DC when there was already talk of RG3 playing with a mild sprain of the LCL.

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