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003-e1342579778210This duo is nothing short of entertaining, from the way they interact with one another to their live performances, The Cranberry Show is guaranteed to leave you intrigued. With a stage presence grand and abundant this lively duo even sparked the curiosity of headliner Asher Roth as they opened for a recent show of his. Nothing about these two is predictable; they can’t be compared to any other hip hop twosome which explains their viral buzz. The Cranberry Show is made up of two rather distinctive individuals (Arcane & Young Money), who you will never find making excuses about whom they are or what they think and say. However they artistically express themselves in their music and video’s. Arcane and Young Money both from Milwaukee, Wisconsin joined forces understanding there was a future in their alliance. The tag team took time out to share with HYFW, why they call themselves, “The Cranberry Show”, what the world of hip hop is missing and how they plan to resuscitate rap.

1) Tell us about how The Cranberry Show began?
Arcane: We were middle school pals; I always told him we would be in a group. He didn’t believe. DUMMY!
2) Cranberries for cleansing hip hop…why is hip hop in need of detox?
TCS: We just feel it’s a lot of cookie cut artist and music coming out right now. We are not saying we’re better than anyone else. We’re just doing what we think is missing and different.
3) What is the rap game missing and how will TCS fill the void?
TCS: Rap is missing creativity. Every artist is cut from one of three cookie cutters right now. The “neo 90’s hip hop hipster” the “I sell dope over club beats guy” & the “slick, sensitive kid that has good one liners but listens to too much drake”. It’s annoying, we break that mold.
4) There aren’t many rapping duos, why not be solo artist?
TCS: For the same reason we aren’t Jewish gypsies sailing the seven seas with peanut butter flavored lip gloss. It wasn’t in god’s plans
5) Who are your favorite rapping duos?
Young Focus: ‘Outkast’…don’t know too many more
6) The beauty of a partnership is where one falls short the other can pick up the slack…How do the two of you support one another?
Young Focus: We don’t, Arcane always leaves me hanging on the same hook of the same song every time we perform it. I won’t open any wounds & mention the song, but I’m pretty sure he hates me & my vocal chords
Arcane: (Laughs) true that, But its only because you’d do something dumb like hit me in the nuts prior to walking on stage.
7) Describe the hip hop scene in Milwaukee? What role does The Cranberry Show play?
TCS: It’s a lot of different kind of artist in Milwaukee. We are in the mid-west. It’s a melting pot. We just make our music. We don’t focus on what everyone else is doing. If it’s not us and our team then we don’t care.
8) Your video’s paint pictures and add so much to who you are as a group…How involved are you two in the development of your videos?
TCS: We do everything but shoot them. We craft the ideas, write them, cast them, direct & edit them
9) The Cranberry Show has been classified as “Alternative Rap,” does this label fit? How would you label your music?
TCS: It fits us completely. Alternative just means “Different from the norm”. We don’t just create rap music; we add a lot more to it. From our videos to the way we dress to the way we develop our hooks. It’s just… Different.
10) What songs would we find on your recent playlist? (Arcane & Young Focus)
Young Focus: “You really Got a hold on me” by Smokey Robinson & The Miracles, “Coma White” by Marilyn Manson, “By your side” by Sade and “Aquemini” by Outkast
Arcane: Hit Boys new project and a lot of Scream-O heavy rock music.
11) What do you have to say to people who doubted The Cranberry Show?
Young Focus: Look at me now, OH, Look at me, now. OH, Look-look-look-look at me now OH….I’m getting paper. (I just made those lyrics up)
12) Known for your stage presence, tell us what an audience can expect at a Cranberry Show’s performance?
TCS: Our Balls and Silly String everywhere.
13) What is your most memorable performance? Why?
Young Focus: probably in Milwaukee at a spot called Quarters when I did a front flip off of the stage and no one caught me
Arcane: I’d have to say a show we did with Asher in Minnesota. I don’t know but that shit was buck as fuck!
14) If the two of you weren’t doing music what would you be doing?
Young Focus: Playing World of Warcraft for months straight or studying quantum physics
Arcane: Probably be in rehab for my chronic masturbation addiction. It’s a good thing music takes up most of my time. It’s my Anti-Jerk off.
15) What should we look forward to in the upcoming year from The Cranberry Show?
TCS: We are doing 3 shows at CMJ this year, dropping more videos and doing another project by the end of the year.
And last tell us how to find TCS online…
Twitter @cranberryshow

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