Entertainment / Literature / Politics / TRU Magazine


FRANK-DEES-078-300x336Interview with Mayor Frank Deese for TRU Entertainment Magazine

By: Alysha “AP” Price
“Never Judge a Book by its Cover”
Somewhere there is a young woman or man, struggling to find their way, searching for direction, acting out in hopes someone notices. What happens when that cry for help goes unheard? Mayor Frank Deese is not only an advocate for those feeling lost and unchallenged, he was that young person. Having experienced the hard road to self-accountability there is no one better fit to share that journey than Mayor Frank Deese. TRU Magazine talks with Mayor Deese about his passage into adulthood, the choices he made that weren’t ideal but taught him valuable lessons, how he became an author and what being the first African-American Mayor of Marshville North Carolina has meant to his personal voyage.

In a very attentive voice Mayor Deese says, “Well let’s get started!” He was eager to talk as if hadn’t told his story to anyone else. An open book Mayor Deese shares his struggle as a young man…dispelling stereotypes that young African-American males who enter a life of crime come from single family homes and are less than average students; he was the polar opposite. Coming from a wonderful home, a stellar student who acted as the vice-president of his student body, captain of the basketball team and was a part of the honor society…what went wrong? According to Mayor Deese he wasn’t challenged sufficiently, lacking mental stimulation… as the old adage goes, “An idle mind is the devils playground.” It wasn’t long before the model student turned menace. Trying to find his way in the world Deese enlisted in the military; however, soon after he found himself dabbling in everything from smoking marijuana and drinking alcohol to boosting in order to make a living. The street life consumed him…

To read the full article visit http://truentmagazine.com/never-judge-a-book-by-its-cover-interview-with-mayor-frank-deese/

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